In the personal info I entered my details, keeping in mind that the American date format (month/day/year) is to be used.
Or, you can use the standard face options provided on the site. You have to get your face straight for the try on to work properly. Check your popup window to allow Firmoo access to your webcam. As I don’t have a face-on photograph of myself on my computer, I chose to snap a photo with my webcam. Keep in mind that for differences between virtual effects and actual results, the virtual try on system is for reference only (quoted). But when I went into an individual frame there is an option to try on and here you can upload a photo.
I could not see how to upload my photo in this tab.
I would not recommend that you get multifocal lenses on-line as the Pupillary Distance needs to be measured with the frames on your face. I chose to fill in the form for both my distance and near prescriptions even though I could only get one pair of glasses. Click on that and either upload the prescription you were given, or fill in the Rx form. On the right hand side next to the terribly placed sharing button list is a tab that says add new prescription.
In the my account menu start with my prescription.
I left mine on the default which is US Dollars but you can choose from Euros, GB Pound, Canadian and Australian Dollars.
Change the currency to suit where you live.
You will have to sign in each time you go to the website. You can login with Facebook if you are worried about passwords.
Go to the Firmoo website and register an account.
Ask for a prescription for your glasses which include the readings for Sphere OD and OS, Cylinder OD and OS, Axis and PD
Head off to your optometrist and have your eyes tested.
I have decided to review the process as you, my reader, would find it. Up until this month, I chose to decline but the latest offer came from Firmoo at the same time that I needed new glasses. I have been asked on a few occasions over the past years to review Firmoo on my blog.